Clinical Learning in Practice (CLiP)

CLiP is the College’s placement programme which is part of the new master’s degrees in optometry. 

The programme has been developed and led by the College. It has been shaped by extensive sector consultation to meet the needs of future students and the universities and employers. 

CLiP placements will provide 44 of the 48 weeks of patient-facing experience which students must complete, under the new GOC Education and Training Requirements (ETR). The College will be facilitating, supporting and quality-assuring CLiP placements and assessing students in the workplace on behalf of our university partners. 

This will all be supported and monitored through the CLiP Portal.

The new college placement programme for optometry master's degrees

Information for potential CLiP placement employers, including the employer handbook

Key information on supervision arrangements, roles and requirements

Work-based learning and assessment programme for optometry master’s degree students

We explain everything you need to know about the new route to qualification

Why the Education and Training Requirements are being introduced

CLiP timeline


First of the new master’s degrees start


Practices can start to register as CLiP employers


Master’s degree students apply for first CLiP placement roles


First CLiP placements start in January and July