Enrolment fee
The total fee of £4,310 includes:
- up to four Stage One work-based assessment visits
- one Stage Two direct observation and one Stage Two overarching assessment
- one attempt at the OSCE.
Please note that there is a £50 charge for late payment.
All outstanding fees must be cleared at each stage. Trainees will not be permitted to sit the OSCE if they have any outstanding fees to pay.
Fees for additional/missed assessments
Stage One
- Additional visits beyond visit four- £297 each
- Missed or cancelled visits- £297 each.
Failure to provide documents in advance of your Stage One visits may lead to cancelation of visits and additional fees.
Stage Two
- Additional visits (not involving patients) - £270 each
- Additional visits (involving patients) - £320 per patient encounter
- Missed or cancelled visits -not involving patients - £270 each (£135 if cancelled two weeks or more before the assessment)
- Missed or cancelled visits - involving patients - £320 each (£150 if cancelled two weeks or more before the assessment).
Final assessment
- Final assessment/OSCE resit - £710.
- Submitting an appeal to the Appeals Panel - £115
- Resubmitting an appeal to the Appeals Review Panel - £115.
Temporary Worker GAE visa
- Certificate of sponsorship fee - £780 plus VAT.
Independent Prescribing final assessment
- Find out more about the fees for the Therapeutics Common Final Assessment.
Making a payment
To make a payment for any of our assessment or examination fees, visit the My College area.