Independent prescribing (IP) qualification

Qualifying in independent prescribing (IP) brings new opportunities for you and your practice. The Therapeutics Common Final Assessment exam is the route to becoming a fully qualified IP optometrist and is approved by the General Optical Council.

Optometrists with an IP qualification are able to clinically assess a patient, establish a diagnosis, determine the clinical management required and prescribe where necessary. Once qualified, you may prescribe any licensed medicine (except for controlled drugs or medicines for parenteral (injected) administration) for conditions affecting the eye, and the tissues surrounding the eye, within your recognised area of expertise and competence. You will be able to prescribe privately and, where suitable arrangements have been made, write an NHS prescription. 

Getting your IP qualification will boost your confidence in managing acute eye conditions and add variety to your role. You can follow new career paths and take on more responsibility in practice or within a hospital clinic. It allows you to manage a range of conditions in practice, so your patients don’t need to be referred to hospital - helping you to attract new patients and build loyalty. 

An IP qualification allows you to clinically assess a patient, establish a diagnosis, determine the clinical management required and prescribe where necessary.

You must have been practising in the UK and registered with the GOC for two full years before beginning the independent prescribing clinical placement.

You must maintain an independent prescribing logbook of practice evidence to verify that learning outcomes have been achieved.

The Therapeutics Common Final Assessment (TCFA) in independent prescribing takes place three times a year, usually in spring, summer and autumn.

We answer some of our most frequently asked independent prescribing qualification questions.

We offer College members with the independent prescribing qualification additional resources.

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