2 March 2023

Join the Clinical Management Guidelines review group

We are looking for an IP qualified hospital optometrist and ophthalmic pharmacist to join our Clinical Management Guidelines (CMGs) review group to ensure that they are up-to-date, evidence based and accessible.

This is a voluntary role and not a paid position, with a typical time commitment of 1-3 hours per month.

The CMGs set out the evidence to inform clinical practice and support clinical decision making for a wide range of common and rare eye conditions for all optometrists. They are also of value to all primary eye care providers including nurses, pharmacists and GPs.

The group’s main function is to review the CMGs but it also provides input to some of the College’s policies, guidance, and patient resources. 

Those interested in this role should fulfil the membership requirements set out in sections two and three of the Terms of Reference. All applications will be assessed based upon these criteria; and if there is more than one suitable volunteer for each role, a name will be chosen randomly from the field.

Please send an email stating how you meet the membership criteria along with your CV to Dr Paramdeep Bilkhu MCOptom DipTp(IP) at policy@college-optometrists.org.

Find out more

Related further reading

An online dedicated therapeutics peer review session for College members who are qualified independent prescribers.

Adrian O’Dowd considers what optometrists should bear in mind when prescribing treatments that may have serious side effects.

Acting with honesty and integrity to maintain public trust and confidence in the profession is vital, but as optometry evolves and professionals take on more diverse roles than ever, lines may become blurred. Helen Gilbert investigates how to safeguard against conflicts of interest.