2 October 2023

New report on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of myopia management interventions

The findings in the report from Health Technology Wales (HTW) are consistent with College guidance.

We welcome Health Technology Wales’ (HTW) recently published independent report on spectacle and contact lens-based myopia management interventions in children and adolescents. The report provides an update on the evidence of myopia management interventions in these groups and includes a health economic analysis of their cost-effectiveness.

The findings in the report are consistent with our guidance. Optometrists should keep up to date with the evidence. Where clinically indicated, patients should be provided relevant information on myopia management and which interventions may be appropriate for them, so that parents and children can make an informed decision about their eye care and the treatments available.

We look forward to hearing the Welsh Government and NHS Wales responses to this report, in particular whether myopia management interventions will be fully or part-funded by the NHS in Wales as a result.

Related further reading

Adrian O’Dowd explores whether the global rises in myopia and diabetes are linked and whether insulin resistance and diet can affect sight.

One thing is certain: I wasn’t expecting the events of the last 10 weeks to take place when I wrote my last Optometry in Practice editorial in February this year.

Becky McCall analyses the evidence that working distance increases the risk of myopia in children, and the escalation of time spent on screens is related to the surging incidence of myopia around the world.