Optical education for the next generation

28 February 2022
Acuity digital

A fundamental shift in thinking as part of the General Optical Council's Education Strategic Review is happening in optical education and training, writes Kathy Oxtoby.

Preparation for new provider-led qualifications as part of the General Optical Council's (GOC’s) Education Strategic Review (ESR) is picking up pace, and will align optometrists more clearly to other healthcare professions.

Outcomes will replace competencies. The two-stage approach currently required for students to reach registration will be replaced by the need to achieve a single GOC-approved qualification. And management and leadership skills and reflective practice will be just some of the qualities students will be encouraged to develop. 

Throughout and beyond this process the College will be providing support and guidance, says Professor Lizzy Ostler, Director of Education at the College, “enabling people to adapt their practice as times change, and preparing graduates for a world that changes on a daily basis”. 

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