Complete issue, OiP, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2005, various authors

1 February 2005
Volume 06, Issue 1

Articles cover: laser treatment, advances in the surgical management of glaucoma, equipment for domicilary work and the Guide Dog Partnership.


Articles: 1) LASIK vs LASEK (by M Hanratty). 2) Advances in the Surgical Management of Glaucoma (by SA Vernon). 3) The Ocular Effects of Parkinsonism and its Treatment (by RJ Taylor). 4) Comparison of iCARE Tonometer with Pulsair and Tonopen in Domicilary Work (by DEC Roberts). 5) A Guide to the Guide Dog Partnership (by PG Hurcomb, GA Kensett).

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Deborah Bott is the first author of the winning entry of the 2024 College of Optometrists Early Career Researchers Poster Competition.

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