Complete issue, OiP, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2008, various authors

1 August 2008
Volume 09, Issue 3

Articles cover: Low vision; HES case studies, a community ophthalmic service for the management of paediatric refractive eye problems; glaucoma co-management; contact lens devices in the management of corneal and ocular surface disease; and extended roles in hospital optometry.


Articles: 1) Low Vision: Perspective on a Changing Service (by Julie Lennon and Robert Harper). 2) A Slightly Different Point of View: Three Case Studies from Within the Hospital Eye Service (by Lisa Cowan, Lorraine Knight and Johnathan Waugh). 3) A One-Stop Community Ophthalmic Service for the Management of Paediatric Refractive Eye Problems (by Chris Rushen). 4) Glaucoma Co-Management at Bristol Eye Hospital: Translating Clinical Research into Practice (by Paul GD Spry). 5) Contact Lens Devices in the Management of Corneal and Ocular Surface Disease (by Martin P Rubinstein). 6) Extended Roles in Hospital Optometry and Liaison with Community Optometrists (by Chris Steele).

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Related further reading

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.