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This online course helps you practise a range of communication skills that are required for patient consultations, including listening, involving patients in decision making, breaking bad news and handling complaints.

This online CPD course is for optometrists who would like to know more about diabetic retinopathy but are not already involved in diabetic screening.

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Kam Balaggan, gives an online presentation focusing on the risk factors of retinal detachment and PVD, as well as the systematic approach to the assessment and management of the patient who presents with flashes and floaters.

This recorded webinar by Simon Frackiewicz MCOptom gives you an overview of the anatomy of the cranial nerves involved in ocular motility and their surrounding structures, and will show how the common causes of nerve palsy arise.

Make your history taking effective with this online course which will help you identify areas where you can improve your routine and your clinician-patient experience.

In this recorded webinar lecture Wendy Newsom covers all aspects of how to communicate effectively when referring a patient.

This online course is aimed at newly qualified optometrists and optometrists returning to work. It will take you through the stages of an eye examination looking at ways you can maximise your communication skills.

Dr Simon Frackiewicz MCOptom covers some practical advice for optometrists to help regain confidence in binocular vision, which may have been affected by the altered ways of working during the pandemic.

This online CPD course will guide you through a series of example referral letters, from the perspective of the person who receives them in the hospital eye service.

In this recorded webinar, consultant ophthalmologist, Damian Lake, discusses the key points of keratoconus for optometrists.

This online CPD course will help you make decisions when faced with complex issues and helps you communicate your findings and management plans effectively.

In this recorded webinar, Dr Dan Rosser MCOptom describes two common laser interventions for glaucoma and related conditions: laser peripheral iridotomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty.