3.45pm - 4.45pm
Sponsor Session
LECTURE: Benefits of OCT in diabetic retinopathy - Topcon (Great Britain) Medical Ltd
CPD ref: C-101682
Description:Diabetic retinal screening (DRS) has been taking place in the UK since the 1960's using traditional Ophthalmoscopy and tonometry and this progressed to Fundus Photography and is still the main protocol used in DRS today. As Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the UK and its prevalence is growing the need for this beneficial service is also growing as is the need for the understanding of Diabetic retinopathy within the eye care sector. OCT has enabled us to image the posterior and anterior segments in a unique way for many different eye conditions and has a massive benefit for clinicians with the visualisation of Diabetic Retinopathy using this non-invasive technology, which is enhanced with more recent iterations using OCT-A. The aim of the presentation is to show and talk through examples of different Diabetic pathology using OCT & OCT-A to enable clinicians to understand the clinical signs of DR visible on OCT, the benefits of using OCT in practice to aid and help with clinical monitoring, decisions and referrals.
Target audience: Optometrist, Dispensing optician
Domains and learning outcomes
Clinical practice
S5-Keep your knowledge and skills up to date
S7-Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments & referrals
Understands how to use OCT scans and the importance of the analysis tools to aid detection of Diabetic Retinopathy for monitoring and referrals.
Understands the interpretation of Diabetic Retinopathy on OCT including being able to identify the layers to where these retinal changes can be visualised and the progression that can occur.
S2-Communicate effectively with patients
Understand the importance of obtaining key medical history & FH from patients especially in regard to Diabetes and the last DRS attendance if within the NHS programme.
Discuss the early signs of DR found within the eye examination and the importance of these being referred onto the GP for further investigations.