11.30am - 12.30pm
Sponsor Session
LECTURE & DISCUSSION: Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF): What’s all the fuss about? - Positive Impact
CPD ref: C-102714
Description: The session will include a presentation and several discussions. The topics covered by the presentation include:
- Understanding the different designs of Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) multifocal contact lenses currently available
- To understand how the optics of EDOF contact lenses work
- To understand the benefits of EDOF contact lenses for presbyopia patients including Astigmatic presbyopes
To understand the benefits of EDOF contact lenses for myopia management
- How to explain this new generation of contact lenses to your patients
- How to fit patients with EDOF contact lenses of various designs
Target audience: OO/CLO
Domains and learning outcomes
s.2 Communicate effectively with patients
Clinical practice
s.5 Keep your knowledge and skills up to date
s.7 Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments and referrals
With 40 years of experience in the optical industry, Phil has worked on various projects for Positive Impact over the last 8 years. As Professional Services Director he is involved in the SynergEyes range of Hybrid Contact Lenses as well as PI’s Dry Eye Zone including Punctal Occlusion, Inflammadry and Hydramed range of drops and supplements. Since February 2019, Positive Impact was selected as the supplier and now distributor of NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day disposable lenses and Phil is involved in direct one to one training on fitting this product.