12.10pm - 1.10pm
Workshop | Discussion workshop
DISCUSSION: Compassionate leadership in healthcare

CPD ref: C-102492

Description: This discussion workshop will consider how compassionate leadership can improve wellbeing, increase job satisfaction and improve business performance. Including the following:

-Current thinking around compassionate leadership and a brief review of the evidence. 

-Reflect on situations where a lack of organisational compassion has led to serious harm. 

-Consider compassion within NHS organisations -Learn techniques to practice and hone compassionate awareness and action in optometry.

-Discuss the concept of giving compassion to yourself to improve the care you give and reduce workplace stress -Understand why compassion is an essential component of clinical leadership

Target audience: Optometrist, Dispensing optician

Domains and learning outcomes
s.4 Show care and compassion for your patients
- Understands showing care and compassion for your patients, colleagues and team through compassionate leadership can improve health outcomes and wellbeing
s.10 Work collaboratively in the interests of patients
- Understands how to facilitate a culture of collaborative working with colleagues in the interests of patients
s.19 Be candid when things have gone wrong
- Understand how an open and honest culture and being candid when things have gone wrong can create a more clinically effective environment
Leadership and accountability
s.12 Ensure a safe environment for your patients
- Understand where a lack of organisational compassion can lead to serious harm


Daniel Hardiman-McCartney FCOptom

Daniel is clinical adviser to the College of Optometrists, the professional body for optometry in the UK, and a practicing optometrist. He has helped lead the sector response to COVID-19 throughout the pandemic supporting all four nations health systems continue to provide eye care safely.

He is one of the College’s in house authors of ethical scenarios and monthly emails and has created resources to support compassionate practice. Daniel has also contributed to articles on compassion and compassionate leadership in Acuity magazine.

He is a passionate advocate of the profession, with many national media appearances, raising awareness of good eye health. Daniel was Managing Director of an optometry practice in Cambridge, and a visiting clinician at ARU. He continues to practice as a glaucoma optometrist across East Anglia, alongside his guidance and policy work. OR Clinical advisers - College of Optometrists (college-optometrists.org)

Before joining the College, Daniel was Managing Director of an independent practice in Cambridge and a visiting clinician at Anglia Ruskin University. He has also worked as a senior glaucoma optometrist with Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, with Newmedica across East Anglia and as a diabetic retinopathy screening optometrist. Daniel was a member of Cambridgeshire LOC from 2007 to 2015 and a member of the College of Optometrists’ Council from 2009 to 2014, representing its Eastern region. Daniel graduated from Anglia Ruskin University, where he won the Haag Strait prize for best dissertation.

Sarah Schumm

Sarah Schumm is the current Chair of Optometry Wales. She has been a qualified optometrist for 18 years after graduating from University of Bradford. After taking further qualifications in Glaucoma and Independent Prescribing she embarked on a Clinical Fellowship with Health Education and Improvement Wales in 2020. Here she also undertook a further higher qualification in Clinical Leadership and Management and has since become the Training Lead for Optometry in Wales with Health Education and Improvement Wales. She continues to work in clinical practice alongside her other roles.

Helen Haslett MCOptom

Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellow, HEIW

Currently a welsh clinical leadership fellow working for HEIW alongside clinical time working for Boots franchise. Previously worked as a clinical lead for locsu and chair of Dorset LOC.

Francesca Lado MCOptom

Welsh Clinical Leadership Training Fellow, HEIW and locum optometrist 

Welsh Clinical Leadership Training Fellow and locum optometrist in Wales delivering EHEW services.  I also hold a Professional Certificate in Glaucoma and Medical Retina.  In the past, I’ve worked in a variety of practice settings in England and Wales.