10.45am - 11.45am
Sponsor Session
LECTURE: Examination of the lid margins and eyelashes - Thea Pharmaceuticals
CPD ref: C-101900
Description: This lecture will allow practitioners to have an understanding of how to interpret common eyelid margin conditions and what the diagnosis is and how to manage them effectively in practice. The speaker will also give us a greater understanding about systemic diseases and the link with certain eyelid margin conditions.
Target audience: Optometrist, Dispensing optician
Domains and learning outcomes
Clinical practice
Practitioners will have an understanding of how to interpret common eyelid margin conditions through external eye examination (s.7)
Practitioners will have a greater understanding about which systemic diseases are associated with eyelid margin conditions. (s.5)
Practitioners will have an awareness of the treatment options for eye lid margin conditions (s.5)
Practitioners will be able to advise the patients about their clinical condition and how to manage effectively (s.2)