9.40am - 10.40am
Neuro-ophthalmology in the emergency department
CPD ref: C-102439
This presentation will cover the assessment of neuro-ophthalmic patients presenting to an Ophthalmic Emergency Department. Using real-world examples we will cover clinical signs and the importance of a thorough detailed examination. The presentation is entirely clinical-based.
Target audience: Optometrist
Domains and learnig outcomes:
Clinical practice
s.7 Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments and referrals
- Understand how to assess a patient presenting with neuro-ophthalmic conditions and the importance of clinical signs such as pupil assessment, colour vision, visual field testing and optic nerve assessment.
- Able to assimilate clinical signs and analyse them in combination to arrive at a potential diagnosis in patients with neuro-opthalmic conditions