A desire to time travel - CooperVision
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About the session
CPD ref: C-106086
This session considers the ocular health of a myope in his mid-forties who has reduced vision due to significant floaters and discusses how we could have intervened had we had today’s knowledge when he was a child, and what effect that could have had on his risk of developing myopia related eye disease.
This will be a discussion workshop and will discuss the possible prescription, axial length and prognosis at different times in his past.
- As a pre-myope. This discussion will discuss whether he was at risk of myopia at this time, what predictions can be made and which tools such as PreMo can help along with what advice can be given to reduce the progression into myopia
- As an emerging myope. This discussion will look at the patient aged 10 as he is about -1.00 R&L and at his risk of developing high myopia and discuss what his final myopia level may be if myopia management is started now including the treatment options available. The session will discuss what advice should be given and which treatment option may be best. The session will use axial length graphs to compare where he is now to where we know he ended up.
- As an established myope. This discussion will assume he was not put into myopia management at age 10 and look at his prescription aged 13. It will look at how fast the eyes have changed over the last few visits and what this means. The session will discuss what treatment options are now available and the effect if we start treatment now instead of three years ago. Again, the benefits of each treatment option and the way to choose the best option will be discussed.
- The session will conclude by considering what effect any reduction in myopia would have had to the symptoms he is experiencing today.
Target audience
- Optometrist
- Dispensing Optician
- Contact Lens Optician.
Domains and learning outcomes
- An understanding of the strategies for advising young patients and their parents on myopia development and management at various stages of myopia including pre-myopia (s.2)
- An understanding of the need for valid consent (s.3).
Clinical Practice
- An understanding of myopia development and the risks associated with increasing myopia, and can balance those risks against the risks of management (s.5)
- An understanding of the evidence-base behind a range of options for myopia management, knows how to incorporate myopia management into clinical practice and at what stage to intervene (s.5).

Nicky Latham BSc MCOptom

Nicky qualified as an optometrist in 1990 and completed an MSc in children’s vision and contact lenses in 1995. She has worked in a number of practices in the multiple sector, as well as delivering training across all optical job roles.
Nicky was a Clinical Governance Optometrist involved in driving practice standards and delivered peer review across a number of subjects before moving into a professional services role where she was responsible for writing clinical policy and supporting with clinical complaints. Nicky moved to Coopervision in 2023 as the Professional Affairs Lead for Myopia Management. Nicky is currently working towards a Certificate in the Principles of Myopia Management.