TFOS Lifestyle report

About the session

CPD ref: C-108374


The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) launched the new TFOS Workshop, “A Lifestyle Epidemic: Ocular Surface Disease” to increase awareness of the potential impacts of lifestyle choices on ocular surface health. The global panel of experts (a total of 158 members from 38 countries around the world) were the first to undertake a comprehensive evidence-based review of the literature on how lifestyle and societal factors impact the ocular surface.

Eight reports - contact lens, cosmetics, digital screen usage, elective medications and procedures, climate, lifestyle, nutrition, and societal challenges were published. As well as these, three further subcommittees reviewed and worked on evidence quality, industry liaising and public awareness. The quality of evidence was assessed using the American Academy’s three-level Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines for evidence grading. Alongside these reviews, each subcommittee worked to answer a key question using systematic review methodology.

While all eye-care practitioners are encouraged to read the full report, Ms Budimlija will briefly go through some of the key findings from each subcommittee report.

Target Audience

  • Optometrist
  • Contact Lens Optician
  • Dispensing Optician
  • Independent Prescriber

Domains and learning outcomes


1.1 The knowledge to give dry eye patients your full attention and allow sufficient time to deal properly with their needs.

Specialty CPD - contact lens optician

Consider how you can use this updated, evidence-based research to improve the care of your contact lens patients with respect to dry eye

Specialty CPD - AS/SP/IP optometrist

Consider how you can use your IP experience to support and collaborate with colleagues to manage dry eye patients


Indie Grewal FBCLA

Indie Grewal is an optometrist with over 30 years' experience within the optical industry. Shortly after qualifying, he joined Visioncare Research as a research optometrist. He opened his own Leightons franchise in St Albans in 2001, as well as participating in contact lens clinical trials. As well as running his own independent practice, Indie is a professional services consultant in myopia management for CooperVision. Indie’s passion for contact lenses has seen him work with major contact lens manufacturers and as a key opinion leader he has presented both in the UK and internationally. Indie is a fellow and past president of the BCLA.


Dr Nikolina Budimlija

Nikolina Budimlija graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and gained a Masters in Health Management. She was a Fellow of the European Masters Program in Health Promotion. Nikolina trained in Ophthalmic surgery at the Clinical Hospital Centre, Sestre Milosrdnice Zagreb. She was additionally trained in Austria, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland and she brings more than 14 years of ophthalmic experience. 

Nikolina spent four years working as lead ophthalmic consultant at Health Centre in Zagreb. She joined Institute of Eye Surgery (IoES) in 2019 as Ocular Surface Specialist and Oculoplastic Surgeon and she runs the only dedicated Ocular Surface Clinic in Ireland.

She is a member of Scientific Committee at Irish College of Ophthalmologists, Member of Public Awareness Committee at Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS), European Dry Eye Society (EuDES), European Society of Cornea & Ocular Surface Disease Specialists (EuCornea), Croatian Ophthalmological Society and the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). She has participated as invited lecturer in numerous medical conferences worldwide.