'Comfortable vision' for your toric wearers - Alcon
This session is now fully booked
About the session
CPD ref: C-103448
We will be exploring the concept of comfortable vision for toric wearers, assessing their current needs and if we are currently meeting them.
Studies show a lot of contact lens wearers with astigmatism are not satisfied with their visual experience so we will aim to enlighten ECPs on the importance of understanding the design and surface technology of a toric lens. This will not only increase the ECP’s confidence but will effectively manage the wearer’s evolving visual needs and improve their CL experience.
Target audience
- Optometrist
- Dispensing Optician
- Contact Lens Optician.
Domains and learning outcomes
Clinical Practice
- Keep your knowledge and skills up to date (s.5).
- Listen to patients and ensure they are at the heart of decisions made about their care (s.1)
- Communicate effectively with patients (s.2).

Buki Anthony MOptom

Buki Anthony is a qualified optometrist graduating from the University of Manchester with a Masters in Optometry (MOptom) and is currently the Professional Education and Development Lead at Alcon.
Over the last 16 years, she has developed her clinical experience across independent and hospital practice. Throughout her career she has had experience with a wide variety of contact lenses, including specialist areas such as scleral, keratoconic and orthokeratology.
Buki started her educational presenting as a Contact Lens Clinic Supervisor at City University London as well as delivering in-house training to support staff within independent practices. She has also supervised contact lens opticians and dispensing opticians during their pre-registration training programme.
In her seven years at Alcon, she has coached numerous practitioners and their staff in developing their skillset to effectively manage their contact lens patients. More recently, she has honed her skills in business sales strategy giving her a holistic approach to the contact lens industry.