Studying and looking after your mental and physical health can be really tricky at times. I thought I’d write this blog as I’ve managed to get through two exam seasons at university now so hopefully this advice is useful!
I think my main tip would be to make sure you make study resources like flashcards as you go, rather than cram your revision a couple of weeks before exams. I would really recommend Anki, which is a flashcard app with spaced repetition built in. Since it’s online it’s much quicker to make flashcards compared to writing them by hand, and you can add images and diagrams too. The spaced repetition algorithm makes it harder to forget what you’ve learned over longer periods of time. It’s also free which helps with budgeting!
Make study resources like flash cards as you go, rather than cram your revision a couple of weeks before exams
When writing my flashcards on Anki, I use a combination of my lecture notes, recommended reading and the College resources which are fantastic!
Another thing I did this year which really helped was to batch cook some meals before exam season and then freeze them. This meant I didn’t end up eating takeaways etc when studying and I felt much better for it!
This year, I also made sure that I carried on seeing my friends and doing things that I enjoyed during exam season. When I was doing A levels especially, I found that I would try and study as much as I could for exams, even when it wasn’t really going in. I definitely would have benefited from taking some time to do things I enjoy, like baking or going for a walk!