Case study 2: University of Bradford

7 July 2021
Volume 22, Issue 2

Reflecting on our experience over the summer of 2020 allowed us to scale up our programme delivery to address the education of our Stage 3 cohort.

From the end of March 2020 university campuses were closed for face-to-face teaching. The immediate challenge faced was how we could complete the teaching of our career progression students in Trimester 3 (June–August). This cohort is a group of qualified dispensing opticians (numbering 18 in 2020) who complete an accelerated programme, achieving their degree in 18 months. As part of this they undertake all their clinical practice during Trimester 3 and, with primary care optometry being closed at the beginning of this period, the challenge was to ensure these students would be able to gain the clinical experience mandated by the General Optical Council (GOC). In response to this dilemma the academic staff produced a written proposal for the GOC detailing how we would provide a mixture of virtual and face-to-face clinics for the students. The overriding principle was to provide the clinical experience required and remain within the government COVID-19 restrictions existing at this time.

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Related further reading

The College has provided key information to help you identify cases and guidance on managing circumstances that are relevant to optometry practices.

Our growing range of resources will ensure that you can provide the best possible patient care during these uncertain times. 

Due to the increasing case prevalence of seasonal flu, COVID-19 and respiratory illness, it is vital that practices maintain high standards of infection protection and controls, and stay vigilant to local public health advice.