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The College of Optometrists Chair of the Board of Trustees has written an open letter to Simon Stevens and Matthew Swindells at NHS England about IT connectivity for primary optical care.

This guidance is to enable high-quality care for glaucoma patients, using the wide range of professional skills available.

Evelyn Mensah, Consultant Ophthalmologist, talks about the steps she is taking to encourage equality.

By Professor Irene Ctori FCOptom, Vice-President of The College of Optometrists

Member briefing: We make recommendations on how falls teams could be supported in checking patients’ vision, and how we could support and encourage better connections between them and local optometrists.

Olivier Denève, College Head of Policy & Public Affairs, heralds a new era in UK politics and calls for action to end the eye care crisis.

UKHSA confirms that changes to the self-isolation period following Covid exposure applies to healthcare workers

New technologies mean that with the guidance of eye health professionals, prevention, promotion and treatment can be embedded in the local community, but this needs to be prepared for.

The College’s Clinical Editor on renewed excitement and optimism in the profession.

We have responded to a Health Education England call for evidence making the case for greater investment in the optometry workforce to support better integrated eye care now and in the future.

The College of Optometrists' and ABDO's joint position on mandatory vaccinations.

Research, including work carried out in high-street optometry practices, is driving innovation in clinical practice and at a policy level, writes Mark Gould.

College President Professor Leon Davies FCOptom represented the College at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Eye Health and Visual Impairment this week.

Member briefing: The NICE guideline on the diagnosis and management on AMD includes recommendations for testing, and a comprehensive list of classifications to aid referral.

As the demand for ophthalmology services among new and existing patients mounts, Sophie Goodchild explores a pathway to support people on NHS lists at every stage of their eye care journey.

The College has reviewed the evidence on the potential risks of using chloramphenicol POM eye drops for children less than 2 years old.

Member briefing: A new NICE cataracts guideline came into effect on 25 October 2017. It is primarily for clinical treatments and surgery at ophthalmology level. However, there are implications for optometrists considering referral and in postoperative patient assessment.

Claire Moulds examines the impact of a power of attorney on the patient relationship.

We've responded to a consultation on the development of a new Integrated Care System model in Northern Ireland.

Member briefing: The revised NICE guideline Glaucoma: diagnosis and management came into effect on 1 November 2017. The member briefing below summarises the main points and outlines how it will affect you in practice.

A message from Professor Leon Davies FCOptom, College President.

We have submitted our response to the All Wales Common Ailments Service formulary consultation

Recommendations to discharge patients following routine uncomplicated cataract surgery.

We have responded to the Home Office call for evidence on mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse.

Member briefing: On 29 September 2016, the College hosted a landmark roundtable event in London, involving all the key optical sector organisations, to gather ideas for preparing for an uncertain future.

Independent MP – and independent optometrist – Shockat Adam talks about his first six months in Parliament and how he is bringing eye health care to the national stage.

We have responded to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) consultation on two draft guidance documents.

The College is committed to reducing vision-related falls. By working with UK falls services we can identify and support patients with failing vision. There are plenty of opportunities for members to get involved.

Clinical Adviser for the College Daniel Hardiman-McCartney FCOptom on how to ensure a sustainable optometry workforce.

We have responded to the Hewitt review: call for evidence on ICSs in England, to help inform a new way of working.

The Opticians Act 1989 underpins the General Optical Council’s regulatory work. Sophie Goodchild looks at why a review was needed, the response from stakeholders, and the next steps.

We have responded to the Department of Health and Social Care consultation on 'Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates.'

Where do you start when writing a clinical case study? We summarise the steps with advice from College Director of Knowledge and Research Mike Bowen.

We have submitted our response to Healthcare Improvement Scotland's cataract surgery standards scoping consultation.

Despite compulsory safeguarding training every two years, optometrists can still feel unsure of their duties. Kathy Oxtoby looks at what to do if you suspect a patient requires safeguarding.

We have responded to the General Optical Council (GOC) consultation on regulation of optical businesses.

We've issued a statement in response to the GOC's call for evidence to review the Opticians Act (1989).

We are aware of a petition regarding examination testing times during the pandemic. Read our statement.

We have responded to the General Optical Council (GOC) consultation on revised Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, Standards for Optical Students and Standards for Optical Businesses.

Read our response to the GOC's draft Speaking Up guidance.

We respond to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into Ophthalmology Services in Wales.

We respond to UK Government’s proposals to regulate NHS managers in England.

In the letter, we highlight the importance of vaccination against transmissible diseases, and the responsibilities our professionals have.

The College responded to a DSHC consultation to support the extension of provision of free PPE to the health and care sector, including optometrists, after 31 March.

The College of Optometrists is calling on the next Westminster government to establish optometrists as the first port of call for anyone with an eye care issue.

The College has offered its congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on their success in the General Election and on forming the next UK government.

Today the Prime Minister has responded to the Darzi Review - a rapid review to diagnose the problems in the NHS which sets out themes for the Government to incorporate into their 10-year plan for reforming the NHS in England.

The College of Optometrists welcomes Healthwatch England’s recommendations to commission more optometry services within primary care to reduce hospital waiting times and improve patient outcomes.

Following feedback from members we have finalised our response to the consultation on an optometrist apprenticeship standard, and our open letter to the Trailblazer Group.

The College has responded to a consultation on whether health and social care staff had the right skills and training to provide effective care to people with a learning disability or autism.

The College proposes 13 key changes to help minimise the risk of healthcare-associated infections and ensure the guidance remains aligned with the four Nations' public health advice.

Read our response to a consultation on the way the Northern Ireland Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is provided.

Our response to a recent contact lens promotion aimed at NHS workers

This outlines a COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service delivered from a network of optical practices, acting as urgent eye care hubs, to support the immediate and recovery phase of the coronavirus pandemic.

The College and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists has sent the following letter to Jo Churchill MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care.

We responded to the Department of Health and Social Care’s consultation on Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public.

We have become aware of a temporary shortage of cyclopentolate minims.

We've issued a joint statement to tackle pressures on hospital eye departments.

The College has responded to a consultation on disclosing confidential information about patients.

We have responded to a consultation on the General Optical Council's (GOC) draft strategic plan 2020-27.

We responded to the GOC's consultation on its new draft Speaking Up guidance.

The General Optical Council (GOC) has launched its consultation on revised Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, Standards for Optical Students and Standards for Optical Businesses.

The GOC has launched consultations on its remote hearings protocols, service of statutory notices and its hearings and indicative sanctions guidance.

The General Optical Council (GOC) has presented a draft response to its call for evidence on the need for change to the Opticians Act (1989) and the consultation on associated GOC policies to its Council.

The College helps clarify whether registrants can use CE-marked lissamine green ophthalmic strips.

We have responded to the GOC's consultation on whether, in some circumstances, it would be more appropriate to use email rather than post to deliver statutory notices.

We've responded to the GOC's hearings and indicative sanctions guidance consultation.

We have responded to the GOC's remote hearings protocol to support the fitness to practise process with the administration and progression of hearings as restrictive lockdown measures continue to ease.

Headlight glare is a modern-day problem that results in many drivers, particularly older drivers, refraining from driving in the dark due to safety concerns.

The Department of Health and Social Care is consulting on proposals for mandatory COVID-19 and flu vaccinations for all frontline health and social care workers in England.

Members have been invited to have their say on the Guidance for Professional Practice - updated once every three years.

We all have the opportunity to ensure the 10 Year Health Plan for the NHS recognises the central role optometrists play in leading and delivering new models of care to improve patient outcomes.

The Westminster government has launched a consultation on its 10 Year Health Plan to fix the NHS in England.

We have responded to an NHS consultation on proposals for changing legislation.

The College of Optometrists has responded to the Department of Health Northern Ireland consultation on improving access to Help with Health Costs for those receiving Universal Credit.

Eye Care Services are experiencing increasing pressure due to greater patient need. This can lead to delayed treatment for patients who need hospital care.

Read our position statement on a degree apprenticeship in optometry

Following feedback from members we have finalised our response to the consultation on an optometrist apprenticeship standard, and our open letter to the Trailblazer Group.

The MHRA has issued an alert to warn medical practitioners that Minims phenylephrine 2.5% eye drops. Read our advice

Thank you to all our members who have fed back on an optometrist degree apprenticeship consultation.

We would like your feedback on our draft response to the consultation on the optometrist degree apprenticeship standard.

The College has published a Q&A to address the most commonly asked questions from members on a degree apprenticeship in optometry.

With half the world's population estimated to be myopic by 2050, Olivier Denève, our Head of Policy and Public Affairs, asks how we can explain the risks and benefits to patients.

Following the announcement by the Secretary for Health that the isolation period for people who test positive for COVID-19 will be cut to five full days in England, NHSE has confirmed this will apply in primary care settings.

Read our response to the consultation on conditions for which over the counter items should not be routinely prescribed in primary care.

Guidance published recommending NHS commissioners to make better use of expertise in primary eye care.

Read the College's response to the NICE consultation on its quality standard for dementia (February 2019).

Read our statement on recent press articles about people who have experienced deterioration in their vision related to a batch of intraocular lenses.

The pandemic continues to affect the way primary and secondary eye care services are provided for patients in England.

A joint statement has been issued on the General Optical Council’s proposed new framework for optometric education.

We have responded to the Department of Health and Social Care consultation on 'Healthcare regulation: deciding when statutory regulation is appropriate.'

The consultation covered OCT use in diabetic retinopathy referral, shared decision making for cataract surgery, and glaucoma referral criteria.

We have responded to the The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch’s investigation on the “Lack of timely monitoring of patients with glaucoma”.

Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England.

Our response to the Royal College of Ophthalmologist's guidance on reopening and redeveloping services after COVID-19

They are also calling for urgent implementation in Phase One of the 10 Year Plan.

National optical representative bodies [1] have welcomed the Fuller Stocktake report on integrating primary care in England.

The College of Optometrists has collaborated with the RAC on its latest research into the issue of headlight glare. Under-35s, and those in conventional height vehicles, are more likely to say headlights are too bright, though three-in-10 SUV drivers still say most are.

We've responded to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists' (RCOphth) consultation on age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Services.

We've responded to a consultation by the Department of Health and Social Care on making vaccination a condition of deployment in the health and wider social care sector.

The College is inviting members to provide final comments on our draft response to the GOC's Speaking Up consultation.

The GOC has launched a consultation on its new draft Speaking Up guidance, designed to support registrants to speak up about concerns, particularly those affecting patient and public safety.

We believe that vaccine uptake will be maximised when staff are supported to make their own decisions, having been provided with clear, evidence-based information on the benefit and value of vaccinations.

We have issued a statement about the decision to end glaucoma and cataracts enhanced eye care services in Hampshire and Isle of Wight at the end of this month.

Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, today announced he is bringing the management of the NHS back into democratic control by abolishing NHS England.

The College calls for funding for primary eye care services to be prioritised to address NHS ophthalmology backlog.

The College of Optometrists was invited to provide evidence at the parliamentary hearing on The Safer Phones Bill, a private member’s bill aimed at protecting children’s rights and well-being in the digital age.

We have responded to the DHSC consultation on revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment across all health and social care.

We have responded to the GOC consultation on the illegal supply of eye care services and optical appliances.

We have responded to the General Optical Council (GOC) consultation on its new strategy for 2025-2030.

Read our response to GOC's call for evidence to review the Opticians Act (1989).

College responds to UKNSC consultation on childhood vision screening.

There has been an update to the summary of product characteristics for the Prescription Only Medicine form of chloramphenicol 0.5% multi-dose eye drops.

A joint statement from The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and College of Optometrists

The College responds to DVLA's consultation on amending the Road Traffic Act 1988 to allow registered healthcare professionals to complete DVLA medical questionnaires.

The General Optical Council (GOC) sought views on how they can continue to support registrants and the optical sector throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.