Search results for England

Asymptomatic testing for COVID-19 to pause from 31 August 2022.

Public Health England (PHE) has published their Atlas of variation in risk factors and healthcare for vision in England.

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning has called for the development of a coordinated approach to eyecare in its response to NHS England’s 10-Year Health Plan.

Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) has clarified some points around the guidelines for HCQ.

CCEHC survey highlights need to review commissioning and provision of low vision services to deliver more accessible and integrated care for patients in England.

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning has written to NHS England urging them to commission a School Eye Care Service for children with special needs.

We explain the changes to the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme in England and provide support for your patients.

Child vision screening 2019 – services are available but still work to do.

Mr Wojciech Karwatowski has been elected as the new chair of the Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) following a vote by the members of the Clinical Council.

We have responded to the Hewitt review: call for evidence on ICSs in England, to help inform a new way of working.

The College joined the biggest national conversation about the NHS in England in order to keep eye health high on the agenda.

The College of Optometrists welcomes Healthwatch England’s recommendations to commission more optometry services within primary care to reduce hospital waiting times and improve patient outcomes.

The College, ABDO, the AOP and FODO have issued guidelines on appropriate infection prevention and control measures following recent government announcements.

This outlines a COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service delivered from a network of optical practices, acting as urgent eye care hubs, to support the immediate and recovery phase of the coronavirus pandemic.

The College has been involved in discussions with NHSE to ensure optometrists are given access to COVID-19 vaccinations as early as possible.

Update on optometric practice following the Government's announcement of new national restrictions in England

The Westminster government has announced the easing of lockdown measures, including the opening of non-essential shops, from 15 June.

Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, regional NHS bodies in England are asking practices to review their mask-wearing guidance.

The College and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists has sent the following letter to Jo Churchill MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care.

We've issued a joint statement to tackle pressures on hospital eye departments.

The Department of Health and Social Care is consulting on proposals for mandatory COVID-19 and flu vaccinations for all frontline health and social care workers in England.

Eye Care Services are experiencing increasing pressure due to greater patient need. This can lead to delayed treatment for patients who need hospital care.

Today’s announcement will see more areas in England move to Tier 4 lockdown arrangements.

The NFPCG have developed a suite of new resources to help reduce the incidence of falls related to vision-impairment in older people.

General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) in England will remain a national demand-led service under a nationally agreed GOS contract and nationally negotiated fees and grants, with no local variation.

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the government has confirmed that Monday 19 September will be a Bank Holiday.

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) welcomes the recent publication of the NICE Quality Standards for Serious Eye Disorders.

The pandemic continues to affect the way primary and secondary eye care services are provided for patients in England.

Services expand as The College of Optometrists’ survey shows 22% of people noticed their vision get worse over the course of lockdown

In line with the government’s new national restrictions in England, we have advised members that all practices remain open to provide services.

The national optical bodies (ABDO, AOP, The College of Optometrists, FODO, LOCSU) have worked with NHS England to develop the Optometry First model and are urging commissioners to take advantage of the full range of clinical expertise and infrastructure primary eye care has to offer.

Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England.

We are saddened to read reports that hundreds of patients have lost their sight completely, or had it irreparably damaged because of NHS backlogs in England.

National optical representative bodies [1] have welcomed the Fuller Stocktake report on integrating primary care in England.

The College, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and the Federation of Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) back the Government’s commitment to put patients in the driving seat and give them more control and choice over their care.

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) recognises variation in service provision and availability for children with vision deficit picked up through school vision screening in England. 1,2,3

Be part of the NHS England & Improvement outpatients transformation programme.

CCEHC makes recommendations for children who have missed out on vision screening due to COVID-19.

We've issued advice, jointly with ABDO, following the Prime Minister's announcement that England would be removing all remaining COVID-19 legal restrictions from 24 February 2022.

The College has provided key information to help you identify cases and guidance on managing circumstances that are relevant to optometry practices.

Sector bodies advise that optical practices should continue to follow Amber guidance, and self-isolation exemptions in England are unlikely to apply in primary eye care settings.

Updated infection prevention and control guidance and manual have been published by the UK Health Security Agency for England.

We have issued a statement about the decision to end glaucoma and cataracts enhanced eye care services in Hampshire and Isle of Wight at the end of this month.

Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, today announced he is bringing the management of the NHS back into democratic control by abolishing NHS England.

Since the Secretary of State's announcement regarding the wearing of face coverings in shops in England, we have been seeking further detail on how this impacts optical practices.

The Department of Health and Social Care has recently issued updated guidance on mask wearing in care homes in England.

There have been some changes to the guidance on managing healthcare staff with symptoms of a respiratory infection or a positive COVID-19 test result.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has stepped down its infection prevention and control measures for seasonal respiratory infection in health and care settings (including SARS-CoV-2) in England.