10 July 2024

The College submits its response to the GOC's draft strategy 2025-2030

We have responded to the General Optical Council (GOC) consultation on its new strategy for 2025-2030.


We welcomed the increased focus on the changes in the workforce, the recognition of the impact technology is having on the profession and the delivery of care. This includes remote eye care, international delivery of services into the UK and new technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI).

We recommend the GOC to consider the impact of implementing its Education and Training requirements (ETR). The affect on optometry education, employers, and other stakeholders involved in the design, delivery and assessment of GOC-approved qualifications. This will continue within the lifetime of the GOC’s new strategy.  

More about the 2025-2030 strategy.

Related further reading

Claire Moulds examines the impact of a power of attorney on the patient relationship.

Research, including work carried out in high-street optometry practices, is driving innovation in clinical practice and at a policy level, writes Mark Gould.