Graphene: rewriting the history of eye care
30 January 2020
Winter 2020
Graphene is the world’s thinnest, strongest and most conductive substance. Already tested in presbyopia treatment, it is a promising candidate for ocular drug delivery, health monitoring and smart contact lenses, writes Kim Thomas.
In 2004, two scientists at the University of Manchester, Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, succeeded in isolating graphene through the homespun method of using sticky tape to separate fragments repeatedly from a lump of bulk graphite, the same material used to make pencil leads.
Graphene, a material only a single atom thick, in which carbon atoms are bound in a hexagonal lattice, was quickly recognised as having a particularly exciting set of properties: it is the world’s thinnest, strongest material, and the most conductive (of heat and electricity), enabling it to be used in a wide range of applications, from microelectronics to aerospace and biomedical science. Other materials can be made much stronger by the simple addition of graphene, and its thinness makes it a promising candidate for use in batteries and supercapacitors.
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Related further reading
Find out what comfort means in contact lenses and how we can retain patients in contact lenses.
Find out what comfort means in contact lenses and how we can retain patients in contact lenses.