
In the news...

Supporting information for primary care optometry on EyeCee One preloaded and EyeCee One Crystal preloaded intraocular lenses.

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The clinical figures that count.

Optometry in Practice...

Abstracts from the online Women in Vision UK Annual Meeting 2022 are presented.

More on cataract

Jo Waters asks what are the current grading charts optometrists can use, and how to make the most of them.

Kim Thomas weighs up the risks and rewards of minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Key statistics from the WHO World report on vision 2019.

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

Understanding patient psychology will enable more satisfying consultation experiences – and more appropriate treatment outcomes, says Carina Bailey.

Don Williams MCOptom MSc DipTp (IP) PgDip Refractive & Cataract Surgery Prof Cert Med Ret Prof Cert Glauc examines the case of an IOL dropping into the vitreous cavity and resting on the retina.

Optometrists can play a crucial role in highlighting the red flags of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome before cataract surgery, says Rima Evans.

From ocular allergy, through cosmetics and genetic disorders of the anterior eye, to driving without spectacle correction.

This article provides a current perspective of the genetics of anterior eye disease and describes the genes associated with each disorder, how the presence of abnormal genes may cause disease and the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing.

The key statistics behind stem cell therapy and eye health