
In the news

The Cochrane systematic review consisted of 17 randomised controlled trials that recruited 619 people.

Latest from Acuity

Online eyewear sales surged during Covid-19. With many patients still opting to buy online, says Helen Bird, how can optometrists reassert their value and help to drive dispensing back in store?


Member briefing: College research finds that consumers prefer spectacles purchased in UK optometry practices to those bought online.

Using evidence

Blue-blocking spectacle lenses are claimed to offer retinal protection, reduce eye fatigue and improve sleep quality. This document sets out a summary of evidence.

Position statements

The College's position on ready-made spectacles.

The College's position on ready-made spectacles.

The College's position on blue blocking spectacle lenses.

More articles on dispensing

A safe space with a culture of transparency can prevent whistleblowing issues in the first place, writes Kim Thomas. But what should optometrists do if they need to highlight malpractice?

We are all guilty of unconscious bias, but recognising our hidden prejudice is the first step to better patient relationships, writes Kathy Oxtoby.

The College of Optometrists has welcomed an independent report by Which? magazine into online spectacle suppliers.

We are disappointed at the inaccurate representation of the role of the optometrist in this edition of Supershoppers (28 August 2019).

A message from the President of the College of Optometrists.

Clinical files: Dispensing enquiry - what would you do?

We speak to Professor John Lawrenson FCOptom about his role authoring and reviewing the College’s Clinical Management Guidelines.

Which elements are key to the process of shared decision-making between clinician and patient? Georgina Wintersgill reports.

Visual impairment is common after a stroke, but optometrists can help patients rehabilitate optically and by recommending effective online therapies, writes John Windell.

Clinical files: A patient misses an aftercare appointment but urgently needs contact lenses while overseas, what should you do?

From 3D printed frames to luxurious objects of desire, Anna Scott looks at the ascent of bespoke spectacles.

Member briefing: College research finds that consumers prefer spectacles purchased in UK optometry practices to those bought online.