Behind the guidelines

8 May 2019
Spring 2019

We speak to Professor John Lawrenson FCOptom about his role authoring and reviewing the College’s Clinical Management Guidelines.

As Professor of Clinical Visual Science at City, University of London, John Lawrenson has a background in evidence-based practice that means there are few people better suited to guardianship of the College’s Clinical Management Guidelines (CMGs). 

As a regularly updated, evidence-based resource enabling clinicians to keep abreast of innovation in clinical thinking and practice, the CMGs have the potential to significantly improve the quality of patient care. 

CMGs have become increasingly important in informing everyday clinical practice for the growing numbers of independent prescriber (IP) optometrists. They also play a significant role in service specifications for Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) pathways, themselves increasingly commissioned by clinical commissioning groups. 

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Related further reading

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