
College research projects help to build a scientific evidence base that informs and influences College and national policies.

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The clinical figures that count.

Online CPD

Online CPD courses for eye health professionals in collaboration with Ulster University and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

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The College of Optometrists’ research journal, OPO, has been the world’s top ranked optometry since 2014.

More on research

Survey published as optometric services expand across Wales to offer wider care to patients

Survey published as optometric services expand across England to offer wider care to patients

Does vitamin D play a role in reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection, and what does this mean to the UK’s BAME communities? Mike Bowen, Director of Research at the College of Optometrists, considers the evidence.

With nominations deadline for the Research Excellence Awards fast approaching, we’re talking to previous winners about the outstanding research happening in optometry, optics and vision science.

Services expand as The College of Optometrists’ survey shows 22% of people noticed their vision get worse over the course of lockdown

With nominations deadline for the Research Excellence Awards fast approaching, we’re talking to previous winners about the outstanding research happening in optometry, optics and vision science.

The latest issue of our international research journal, OPO, is out now.

The College announces the new Editor-in-Chief of its leading international vision science and optometry journal, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics.