
College research projects help to build a scientific evidence base that informs and influences College and national policies.

In the news

Deborah Bott is the first author of the winning entry of the 2024 College of Optometrists Early Career Researchers Poster Competition.

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Eye health issues that are making the news.

Online CPD

Online CPD courses for eye health professionals in collaboration with Ulster University and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

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The College of Optometrists’ research journal, OPO, has been the world’s top ranked optometry since 2014.

More on research

Here we summarise three research papers from a recent issue of Optometry in Practice.

With half the world's population estimated to be myopic by 2050, Olivier Denève, our Head of Policy and Public Affairs, asks how we can explain the risks and benefits to patients.

Our Clinical Adviser comments on the BBC story about gene therapy to treat inherited retinal dystrophies.

Here we summarise three research papers from a recent issue of Optometry in Practice.

Our Director of Research, Mike Bowen, looks at the correlation between gut health and eye health.

Our Head of Research, Martin Cordiner, reviews the highlights of ARVO, (the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) the biggest vision science conference in the world.

Summaries of two research papers from a recent issue of Optometry in Practice.

Our Director of Research, Michael Bowen, looks behind an alarming BBC news story about a Taiwanese woman who had four sweat bees living inside her eye.