27 July 2020

Optometry, driving and vision: take part in our survey

Take part in our latest research project in conjunction with the University of Warwick and the Department for Transport

Earlier this year, we published research in Optometry in Practice demonstrating a link between vision and health-related factors, and road collisions. 

We have now been awarded funding by the Department for Transport to carry out a study on associations between eye sight and road traffic accidents, and also to investigate the experiences and attitudes of optometrists toward eye sight and driving. 

We are asking UK optometrists their opinions on giving patients advice on visual fitness to drive. Members will have received an email in their inboxes asking them to take part. 

We will publish results of the survey and make these available to all College members. We also intend to publish the results of the study in a peer reviewed journal.

Check your inbox now to take part in the survey.

Related further reading

Jane Veys MCOptom on why planning is the cornerstone of success

Eye health issues that are making the news.