29 September 2021

UK Health Security Agency Review into IPC for elective care providers

Clarification on the UKHSA statement on changes to physical distancing, patient COVID-19 testing and cleaning procedures.

Following the publication of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) review into Infection Prevention Control (IPC) guidance, The College of Optometrists can confirm the UKHSA statement on changes to physical distancing, patient COVID-19 testing and cleaning procedures only applies to elective care providers in England, in areas identified as low risk. It does not apply to primary care optometry settings, which remain in the Medium Risk pathway. We have asked the UKHSA if it plans to review IPC in primary care settings and will alert members if any changes are planned.

Practices should continue to follow The College Amber guidance and V1.2 COVID-19: Guidance for maintaining services within health and care (29 September 2021) which provides guidance on physical distancing and cleaning requirements for your nation.

More information about the UKHSA the new health security agency.

This article was correct at time of publication. For the latest COVID-19 information, please visit the COVID-19 page.

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