23 August 2022

GOC launches CPD record review: A guide for registrants

The CPD record review has been published to ensure that all fully qualified optometrists are undertaking CPD, which aligns with their scope of practice and professional development needs, and that they are keeping good-quality records of completed CPD.

The General Optical Council (GOC) has introduced the CPD record review: A guide for registrants to provide quality assurance that was not needed under the previous Continuing Education and Training (CET) scheme.

The CPD scheme is much more flexible and optometrists are now required to maintain their own records of CPD they have completed. This review is a way of quality assuring CPD provision, without the heavy administrative burden of advance approval. 

CPD record review will take place throughout the three-year CPD cycle.  

The CPD record review looks at: 

  • What reviewers are looking for during the record review
  • Potential outcomes of the record review
  • Next steps for registrants after receiving these outcomes.