Behind the headlines

30 November 2018
Autumn 2018

Dr David Robert Grimes looks at the eye health issues that are making the news.

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NHS to save millions on AMD treatment

A landmark ruling promises to substantially reduce the cost of treating wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – and has significant implications for future drug policy. Bayer and Novartis had attempted to stop clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) from prescribing Avastin – a widely used and cheaper treatment, but unlicensed for AMD.

In September, the High Court ruled against the drug giants. 

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Related further reading

The number of people with glaucoma, AMD and cataracts is set to increase over the next 10 years. This new online tool will be a critical planning resource for commissioners and providers of eye health care.

In this live webinar, Ms Nishani Amerasinghe, a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, will give an overview of PAC, PACG and PACS.

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.