Léa Surugue discusses opening up new patient streams by switching to corneal topography.
Methods of mapping the surface of the cornea provide clinicians valuable diagnostic and contact lens fitting information. Corneal topographers have become more clinically friendly and widely used since the keratometer was invented in the 18th century. But their principle broadly remains the same: measuring the radius of curvature of the anterior corneal surface (COptom, 2020).
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The College, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and the Federation of Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) back the Government’s commitment to put patients in the driving seat and give them more control and choice over their care.
One thing is certain: I wasn’t expecting the events of the last 10 weeks to take place when I wrote my last Optometry in Practice editorial in February this year.