Career profile: Professor Jonathan Jackson MCOptom

14 November 2022
Autumn 2022

A conversation about clinical care in Northern Ireland and a passion for research.


Professor Jonathan Jackson

Current job? 

Director of the NICRN and Head of Optometry at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast


Northern Ireland

Why did you go into optometry?

Both my dad and my aunt were optometrists, but throughout school I aspired to be a medic. I spent too much time kicking a ball around at school and not enough time revising, so my plan was to study optometry as a route into medicine. I really enjoyed the optometry course in Glasgow and got a first-class degree, so it made sense to complete a pre-reg. I then decided to do a PhD in the labs in parallel with setting up a hospital optometry department in Belfast. I soon realised that I loved what I did and decided to park the med school idea – for now at least! 

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Related further reading

The standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services will transform efficiencies, accessibility and timely care of patients.

The College has offered its congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on their success in the General Election and on forming the next UK government.

The College’s Research Excellence Awards recognise achievements in optometric research, and the way in which they enrich the whole profession.