Sorry we missed you: dealing with DNAs
14 November 2022
Autumn 2022
Léa Surugue asks why patients don’t show up to appointments and how to ensure greater attendance levels.
DNA, or “did not attend”: the note no clinician wants to record against a patient’s name. But, over the last decade, healthcare professionals have reported a growing number of missed appointments.
The proportion of attended appointments in the UK has declined from 79.8% in 2010-11 to 77% in 2020-21 (NHS Digital, 2021). There are public health repercussions – patients not receiving the follow-up they need – and economic ones, as they put financial strain both on hospital services and on private practices (Parsons et al, 2021).
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Related further reading
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The College, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and the Federation of Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) back the Government’s commitment to put patients in the driving seat and give them more control and choice over their care.
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