Our future’s looking bright

4 November 2024
Autumn 2024

Dr Gillian Rudduck MCOptom on why the future looks bright.

In my first few months as College President, I have had the opportunity to meet and listen to many leaders and stakeholders within eye care. What I have heard so far is the common goal and desire to deliver the best appropriate and timely eye care for the populations we serve. 

Agreeing that fundamental goal is the first step; what that actually looks like and how it is achieved are the next. The College published its manifesto at the time of the general election, highlighting the “how”: that is, to utilise the skills of the optometrist in commissioned and IT-supported pathways to address the increasing burden of demand in eye care. Where this is currently being achieved in optometry is evidence of what it can look like. I will continue the conversations with stakeholders and challenge the new government to make the changes needed to make the fundamental goal a reality. 

As I write this, I notice the start of that wonderful annual cycle of the shortening of the days and the march towards the end of the year. This year will coincide with the end of the first General Optical Council CPD cycle in December 2024. Many of you will already have achieved well above your minimum CPD requirements, but for those of you who haven’t yet, the College has a wealth of resources to enable you to complete your CPD. Remember too that the College develops and delivers Docet, another excellent resource for your CPD.

We have a common desire to deliver the best eye care

Education resources are just one of many fantastic benefits available to College members, enabling you to give the best possible evidence-based care. College membership gives you access to all of this; do remember to renew yours.

Finally, it will be my great pleasure on 12 November to welcome newly qualified members into the College at our Diploma Ceremony. This is a highlight of the College year, and it is so wonderful to see the future of the profession is a bright and exciting one.

Dr Gillian Rudduck PhD MCOptom DipTp(IP) Higher Cert Glauc

President, Council Member - North West

Gillian has over 20 years' experience in a wide range of optometry, including primary and secondary care and academia, and currently practises as a consultant optometrist and a clinical lead at Wirral University Teaching Hospitals.

Image credit | Caroline-Andrieu

Related further reading

Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, today announced he is bringing the management of the NHS back into democratic control by abolishing NHS England.

We have issued a statement about the decision to end glaucoma and cataracts enhanced eye care services in Hampshire and Isle of Wight at the end of this month.

The updated guidance will support optometry professionals in maintaining and enhancing standards of patient care.