Tech news - Spring 2023

5 May 2023
Spring 2023

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology - Spring 2023.

3D bioprinting creates new ways to model disease

A new way of modelling age-related macular degeneration (AMD) under healthy and diseased conditions has been created with 3D bioprinting.

Researchers from the US National Eye Institute developed a model of the outer blood-retina barrier (oBRB), using patient stem cells to produce eye tissue. They bioprinted the combination of cells forming the oBRB – a technique that theoretically provides an unlimited supply of patient-derived tissue to study degenerative retinal diseases.

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Related further reading

The standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services will transform efficiencies, accessibility and timely care of patients.

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.

The virtual Hospital Eye Service experience replaces the in-person experience pre-registration trainees would normally have gained in a hospital setting.