Should we be treating all our myopic patients the same?

5 May 2023
Spring 2023

Myopia case numbers are rising and treatment options vary, but are optometrists keeping an open mind on its causes and management? Adrian O’Dowd investigates.

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Communication Clinical practice

Myopia management is increasingly important as cases of myopia and high myopia rise around the world. In the UK, a fifth of teenagers have myopia (Logan et al, 2011; O’Donoghue et al, 2010 ), often starting from the age of six. Myopia is now more than twice as common among UK children as it was in the 1960s: 16.4% of children are affected compared with 7.2% in the 1960s (McCullough et al, 2016 ).

This trend may accelerate even more because of the increased screen time seen in children during COVID-19 lockdown periods and more time being spent indoors generally (Wang et al, 2021 ).

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