How to... deliver domiciliary

30 July 2020
Summer 2020

Domiciliary optometrists require flexibility, adaptability and good communication with vulnerable patients, writes Léa Surugue.

The UK population is ageing. By 2027, 20.7% of the UK population is expected to be 65 years or older, compared with 18.2% in 2017 (Office for National Statistics, 2018). Significant challenges may arise as a result for eye care professionals, especially as older patients may struggle to visit local optometry practices on their own. 

Domiciliary optometry brings eye care from the community into patients’ homes and care homes, serving the most vulnerable patients and ensuring that everyone who needs it gets access to high-quality optometry services. Domiciliary services can be offered to a range of patients, who are all unable to attend a practice unaccompanied because of physical or mental disabilities. 

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