Will digital technology change learning forever?
Adrian O’Dowd looks at how education has been forced to adapt to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions to ensure optometrists and optometry students can still access learning.
In the midst of a pandemic, educators have been forced to adapt quickly to guarantee essential education and training for the profession, and students are being steered towards greater use of digital technology.
Over the past 20 years, universities’ use of digital technology has already been extended into teaching, leading to “blended learning” – a combination of online and classroom lessons.
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Related further reading
The updated guidance will support optometry professionals in maintaining and enhancing standards of patient care.
The College, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and the Federation of Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) back the Government’s commitment to put patients in the driving seat and give them more control and choice over their care.
One thing is certain: I wasn’t expecting the events of the last 10 weeks to take place when I wrote my last Optometry in Practice editorial in February this year.