Career profile: Chris Purslow MCOptom FBCLA FIACLE AMHEA PhD BSc

28 February 2019
Winter 2019

The multi-skilled optometrist talks us through her career path, which spans academia, clinical practice and industry.

Chris Purslow MCOptom 

Current Job? 
Head of Medical Affairs at Théa

Clermont-Ferrand and London

Describe your current role…
I’m Head of Medical Affairs (UK and Ireland) at Théa Pharmaceuticals, but in reality I split my time between the UK office and the head office for Théa Global, which is in France. My UK duties range from pharmacovigilance, to reviewing marketing materials, organising staff training, and planning research and education projects. My role in France draws on my clinical and research expertise.

I took the role as I wanted a new challenge; I also knew the company, as I had collaborated with them on research projects, and I felt comfortable that its ethical principles were in line with mine. My academic roles at Cardiff and Plymouth gave me management experience, which has helped me with my job at Théa.

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