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The recorded webinar by Dr Manbir Nagra MCOptom covers a summary of recent developments in the field of contact lenses and considers the groundwork required to ensure optometrists are prepared for the expected changes.

This recorded webinar by Mr Kam Balaggan covers urgent vitreoretinal conditions and complex cataract surgery, including epiretinal membrane, macular hole and/or eye floater surgery, retinal detachment surgery, and either complex cataract surgery.

Professor Sir Colin Blakemore discusses the possible brain mechanisms for interpreting stereoscopic cues and perspective in this video recording.

Richard Haynes looks at common vitreoretinal disorders in this three part video.

This recorded webinar delivered by Suzanne Fraser MCOptom and Cathy Williams will help you understand how to assess a child with learning difficulties and the process of taking a relevant history.

This video lecture updates you on the current evidence for myopia management treatments, including orthokeratology, soft myopia-management contact lenses, and atropine eye drops.

Professor Ed Mallen MCOptom discusses the findings from the part College-funded Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) Study and how it can help you talk to children at risk of myopia and their parents.

This recorded webinar by Mr Rhys Harrison reviews cases of urgent referral to the hospital eye service. It is directed at community optometrists assessing patients and how to identify patients requiring urgent referral.

In this recorded webinar, Michael Horler FCOptom uses real patient cases to give optometrists a greater understanding of how to interpret an OCT scan and how to recognise some common ocular conditions.

This online CPD course helps you improve your knowledge and skills in managing public health issues that affect your patients: dementia, falls and depression.