Foundation and refresher courses

These online CPD courses open to any members and are especially beneficial to those who have qualified in the last few years or who have had a career break.

Note: Please click on the course link twice, if the link does not direct you the first time.

This online CPD course will help you consider the advice you give patients about products and treatments.

This course is aimed at all optometrists - both newly qualified and experienced. It will take you through the stages of an eye examination looking at ways you can maximise your communication skills.

This online course helps you practise a range of communication skills that are required for patient consultations, including listening, involving patients in decision making, breaking bad news and handling complaints.

Make your history taking effective with this online course which will help you identify areas where you can improve your routine and your clinician-patient experience.

In this online course you will analyse video extracts of optometrists giving OCT results to a patient. Activities will enable you to reflect on your own experience of effective communication with your patients.