Managing eye injuries: What's the damage?

13 May 2022
Spring 2022

As many people turned to DIY and gardening to occupy the months at home during lockdown, eye injuries predictably increased – with data suggesting a threefold rise in presentation to emergency eye care. Becky McCall asks how to best manage cases of eye injury.

One of the few upsides of lockdown was the number of people who took up new hobbies, or whiled away the hours on improvements to home and garden. But with such pursuits come tools, chemicals and skills often new to the user. Lockdown data shows a marked increase in DIY-related injuries – a staggering threefold surge compared with pre-pandemic times (Stedman et al, 2021). 

One such victim of injury, who was spray-cleaning his patio in April 2020, suffered a chemical burn to his eye that developed into painful swelling and bleeding over the following 36 hours.  

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Related further reading

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The updated guidance will support optometry professionals in maintaining and enhancing standards of patient care.