
Ethical scenarios

Should you examine young patients without a parent or carer present?

Latest from Acuity

Jane Veys MCOptom on acronym ambivalence

Latest clinical files

Clinical files: Is a child who is not a resident of the UK eligible for an NHS-funded sight test?

More on examining children

This online course covers the paediatric clinic portion of the pre-reg Hospital Eye Service experience.

Eye health issues that are making the news - Spring 2023.

This online CPD course follows an optometrist while they examine four children of differing ages being managed in practice for a variety of binocular vision anomalies.

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning has written to NHS England urging them to commission a School Eye Care Service for children with special needs.

Podcast: College clinical adviser Daniel Hardiman-McCartney FCOptom MBE talks to optometrist Bhavin Shah MCOptom MBABO FBCLA about managing patients with dyslexia.

Clinical Files: Is it acceptable to turn away a child for a sight test if you don't feel you have the experience or right equipment?

Is increased screen time causing visual and eye health problems in children? Helen Gilbert reports.

Clinical Files: What can I do to make a sight test as accessible as I can to an autistic child?

A message from Professor Leon Davies FCOptom, College President.

Despite compulsory safeguarding training every two years, optometrists can still feel unsure of their duties. Kathy Oxtoby looks at what to do if you suspect a patient requires safeguarding.

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question to a panel of members.