
In the news

Deborah Bott is the first author of the winning entry of the 2024 College of Optometrists Early Career Researchers Poster Competition.

Latest from Acuity

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question on a tricky scenario to a panel of members.

Latest clinical file

Clinical files: What impact should a patient's home genetics test have on my clinical decision-making?

More on glaucoma

From refractive error to dashed career opportunities, Kim Thomas discusses the lifelong consequences of amblyopia.

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

Eye health issues that are making the news.

Podcast: Dr Dan Rosser MCOptom answers questions there wasn't time to cover during his live webinar on two common laser interventions for glaucoma and related conditions.

The College of Optometrists is running Optometry Tomorrow Bitesize as a month-long online learning event for members, starting from Tuesday 2 March.

The senior clinical teaching fellow and higher qualifications expert discusses working in an education role alongside clinical practice.

How frequently you should you carry out regular eye examinations on a patient with glaucoma?

Kim Thomas weighs up the risks and rewards of minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Becky McCall looks at how the latest research has linked air pollution with eye health, and the advice to give patients on how to protect themselves.

This guidance has been developed by The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) and the College of Optometrists (CoO) in response to the pandemic and may be subject to change.

With nominations deadline for the Research Excellence Awards fast approaching, we’re talking to previous winners about the outstanding research happening in optometry, optics and vision science.

Podcast: Daniel catches up with Angela Whitaker MCOptom following her webinar where she presented case studies from glaucoma clinical practice patients who have been diagnosed and managed by optometrists.