Tech news

30 July 2021
Summer 2021

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

Gene therapy could protect eye cells in RP patients

A “good gene therapy candidate” for treating retinitis pigmentosa (RP) independently of the genes causing the disease has been identified by a study published in eLife. The findings could show promise in preserving vision in patients with RP and other vision loss disorders.

Mice with the same defects as people with RP underwent 20 potential therapies, based on the effects of sugar metabolism: the loss of nutrient supply is one explanation for cone degeneration. Using a virus carrier to deliver a gene called Txnip was most effective in treating the condition. Therapies that reduced oxidative stress and inflammation alongside Txnip gene therapy provided additional protection for the cells.

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Related further reading

Deborah Bott is the first author of the winning entry of the 2024 College of Optometrists Early Career Researchers Poster Competition.

Patients will be paid £25 per session and all travel expenses will be reimbursed.

We provide advice on protecting the public's vision and eye health this summer. Scroll down for graphics you can use to help share our message.