Public health

How to offer patients the best help around headaches.

No one became an optometrist because they enjoyed keeping records, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a vital skill, says Steve Smethurst.

The clinical figures that count.

A message from the President of the College of Optometrists.

We are all guilty of unconscious bias, but recognising our hidden prejudice is the first step to better patient relationships, writes Kathy Oxtoby.

One of our biggest challenges, both clinically and psychologically, is the patient with degenerative eye disease for which there is no cure.

Léa Surugue looks at the costly and debilitating effects of migraine, and how better classification can protect patients’ health.

You might be surprised to know that false eyelashes, glitter and novelty contact lenses can cause a serious scare when it comes to eye health.

Souleyman Bah, a contestant on The Apprentice who was fired last night, has a rare eye condition called RP.

We have responded to a green paper on prevention public from the Department of Health and Social Care.

Souleyman Bah, a contestant in The Apprentice has a rare eye condition called RP.

Do you know what an optometrist does? Do you know your optometrist does more than test your vision?