Public health

This article provides a basic introduction to health and nutrition.

New technologies mean that with the guidance of eye health professionals, prevention, promotion and treatment can be embedded in the local community, but this needs to be prepared for.

Principal ocular causes for the condition, and how the standard eye examination should be modified to meet today's visual demands.

How does the FtP system promote standards among optometrists, protect the public and maintain confidence in the profession?

Guidance on current visual acuity standards for driving in the UK and advising patients on their fitness to drive.

This study aims to inform delivery of public health programmes directed at children most in need of community support.

Does breastfeeding bring potential visual benefits?

Although Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples comprise just 3% of the total Australian population , they experience a significantly higher burden of ill health in comparison to other Australians.

There is higher prevalence of eye disease in the non-white population of the UK. A lack of awareness of increased risk and reduced uptake of eyecare services means sight loss is more prevalent.

Homeless people, travelling people and vulnerable migrants have an increased prevalence of both short- and long-term illness compared to the general population.

Optometrists talk to patients about eye health every day, and have an important role to play in health promotion and public health.

The aim of this summary is to help optometrists by setting out the various categories of waste that they may produce and outlining how these must be disposed of.