Public health

The key statistics behind stem cell therapy and eye health

A message from the President of The College of Optometrists.

Four optometrists who have appeared as expert witnesses spoke to Martha Henriques about what it means to assume this responsibility.

Shahina Pardhan MCOptom was the first female Professor of Optometry in the UK and is active in the Women in Vision UK network. She speaks to Acuity about how her experience can help other women in research.

The College of Optometrists' award-winning patient-facing website,, has had a refresh.

As we are about to enter a cold snap, The College of Optometrists is urging the public to take steps to protect their vision and eye health.

Our Clinical Adviser comments on an article by the Daily Mail on pinhole glasses and whether they have any benefits.

Read our statement on recent press articles about people who have experienced deterioration in their vision related to a batch of intraocular lenses.

Our Clinical Adviser offers his advice, following an article by The Express on the best supplements for eyes.

The optometrist who set up an eye care charity for homeless people.

Which optometric services across the UK are taking on more of the healthcare burden, asks John Windell.

AI is pushing the boundaries of diagnosis, but are we on the verge of an antimicrobial dark age?