Tech news - Winter 2023

8 February 2023
Winter 2023

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology - Winter 2023.

Gene therapy for Stargardt disease in the offing

Scientists at the National Eye Institute have found the first direct evidence that Stargardt-related ABCA4 gene mutations affect the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).

The discovery points to a new understanding of the progression of this rare inherited blinding disease and suggests a therapeutic strategy. The research team used a new stem cell-based model made from skin cells, according to the study published in Stem Cell Reports.

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Related further reading

The standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services will transform efficiencies, accessibility and timely care of patients.

The College has offered its congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on their success in the General Election and on forming the next UK government.

The College’s Research Excellence Awards recognise achievements in optometric research, and the way in which they enrich the whole profession.